Sunday, July 13, 2014

Kvlt of Power

Margaret Thatcher 'personally covered up' child abuse allegations against senior ministers

These things aren't new, but this feels like it could have Snowden-esque traction and inertia, potentially. The Mirror seems like a kindof RT/Daily Mail entity, where it survives on drama but is more than relying entirely on hyperbole. Even Fox & CNN are accidentally right a few times a day. I don't know enough of British political culture to tell myself.

I've got DeCamp's 'The Franklin Cover-Up' sitting on my bedside; coincidentally moved there just weeks before this story started breaking; with it's systemic corruption leading back to the Franklin and Gunderson material time period. Creep me the fuck out.

On a personal interpretation; this is a keystone issue that perfectly illustrates the nightmarish sub-reality of what has always taken place within the authoritarian hierarchy of governmental bureaucratic elites. The resonating regularity of the power obsession manifesting itself in the form of child sexual assault does not seem to be coincidental in the long-term view of history. These stories often talk of the 'supply' of children and illicit drugs to powerful (or potentially powerful) people being used by black intelligence operations to compromise and blackmail people for puppet-control. The Yale Skull & Bones supposed masturbation initiation ritual is another resonance with this issue. The rampant sexual assault within the Roman Catholic Church looks possibly more complicated as well, no? Remember, the Church once militarily conquered most of the planet; and the upper echelons rarely had a literal comprehension of the Holy Bible. Turning God into the State turned political rulers into gods; and remember the Roman cult bureaucracy already considered themselves gods long before their transition into Christianity. The Yearning for Zion Ranch's Warren Jeffs' child brides and bed-altar comes to mind. How about the slave-fetish expressionism of Guantanamo Bay? Less inexplicable now? Maybe I'm stretching, but I see this issue resonated everywhere.

Even considering the weirdness of David Icke and Cathy O'brien for a moment, these stories always talk of the child victims being drugged up on powerful cocktails. When looking at the psychic unsurvivability of such trauma of being a child sex-slave being abused by city or national political/cultural leaders/heroes; is it not worth considering with the known use of all kinds of drugs used in MK-ULTRA and other yet to be fully discovered intelligence programs; that the demonic shape-shifting reptoid meme is a dark nightmare meta-real metaphor for the psychic reality of what this situation could turn out to be? This mirrors the use of the ExtraTerrestrial meme to distract and discredit attempted disclosures of black budget secret aircraft projects (and almost century old mind-control psyops). It deflects the genuine issue with surreal fantasy dream imagery. Our reality can't possibly be that awful, can it? Well, I'm suggesting yes and no; it's the desired outcome of mis/disinformation warfare. Which, again, is nothing new. Regardless of the final outcome, we live in a Matrix false-reality product. THEY LIVE! PUT ON THE SUNGLASSES!

An apocalypse (Ancient Greek: ἀποκάλυψις apocálypsis, from ἀπό and καλύπτω meaning 'un-covering'), translated literally from Greek, is a disclosure of knowledge, i.e., a lifting of the veil or revelation.